About Us
A small group of young professionals with big ideas for Africa. We wish to build a real future for Africa. We know its constraints and limitations. Using the right technology, we can bypass problems and focus on development and growth. The only condition is WORKING TOGETHER!
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This is us…
Young Professionals
Our aim is to put our experience and expertise at the service of Africa to lead the continent into the 4th Industrial Revolution and make it grow. Make Africa a better place for the future.
Big ideas
We have big ideas for Africa. Using our technological expertise, we aim to create a Cloud Information Centre for Africa, which will be one of its kind. The idea is use a multi-distributed Cloud infrastrusture to interconnect the continent.
Genuine Approach
We have a genuine passion to grow the continent. We know its limitations and we will work around to make it progress. And we invite all those who share the same genuine passion to join us in this amazing challenge.

Our Story
The 4th Industrial Revolution has started a few years ago with the advent of technology. We wish to lead Africa into this revolution.
The continent is rich in resources but unfortunately lacks experienced local manpower to convert the resources and start local industries.
With Africa Cloud, we want to provide the tools to start an educational and vocational revolution through the use of technology.
Our motto for success
In our People we Trust!
With Your Help, We can Make Africa a Better Place
We are loooking for genuine contributors, who share our passion for Africa, to help us make this project a success.
Contributions can come in the form of sponsorship for technological devices such as servers, routers among others to build the platform. Or can be content contribution to start building the Information centre.
Hear our story